sexta-feira, 9 de janeiro de 2015

Iedid Nefesh | Ana El Na Refa Na La

Shabat Shalom!

In this special Healing artwork I wrote the Yedid Nefesh song that composed by Rabbi Elazar ben Moshe Azikri and Ana El Na Refa Na La an Ancient Jewish Healing Prayer Chant for Meditation.

Rabbi Elazar ben Moshe Azikri, was a student of Rabbi Isaac Luria (also known as "The Ari", "Ari-Hakadosh", or "Arizal). Rabbi Azikri expresses the importance of expressing ones love of the Divine through song. His song Yedid Nefesh is sung by many Jewish communities around the world Friday night and Shabbat afternoon.

Ana El Na Refa Na La, this prayer was said by Moses for his sister Miriam, in Numbers 12:13 “Heal her now, O God, I beseech you”. This artwork brings radiance of healing to its surroundings. This artwork was designed to open channels for Healing merely by possessing it and looking at the letters.


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